
Promotional Film Concert to Be Held in Japan

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Actor Lee Tae-seong and singer Hong Kyung-min will hold a film concert in Tokyo on Jan. 12 of next year as part of promotional events for their latest movie “We Won't Forget You.”

Lee played a leading role and Hong composed the score for the film, which is based on the true story of Lee Soo-hyun, a Korean student who sacrificed himself to save a Japanese man who fell onto a subway track.

Lee, who announced his decision to begin activities in Japan using the film as a stepping stone, said that he feels very honored to perform at Tokyo’s Budokan. “Although I am an actor, I will do my best to display my other talents, including singing, at the concert,” he added.

Other entertainers who will join the concert include young singer Yoo Bin, who sang a song for the film, famous Japanese singer Noriyuki Makihara, and singer-turned-actress Maki Horikata, who played opposite Lee.

The film will be released on Jan. 27, 2007 nationwide in Japan

credits : KBS Global

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