
“The Restless” to Be Released in 450 Theaters

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The fantasy blockbuster “The Restless” will be shown in as many as 450 theaters across the nation on Friday. CJ Entertainment, the film’s distributor, said Wednesday that the exact number of theaters has yet to be decided, but it has secured some 400 theaters now, with the possibility of reaching 450.

CJ Entertainment is trying its best to secure as many theaters as possible so that it can attract more viewers not only because it is a major investor in the film but also because it must compete with its rival distributor Showbox, which has already released “200 Pound Beauty” and will release “My Wife is a Gangster 3” on Dec. 28.

In addition, the distributor expects the number of theaters will increase to some 500 after the first week of its release considering the movie’s relatively short running time of 105 minutes and viewers’ high expectations for the movie.

“200 Pound Beauty,” which topped the box office for the first week after its release on Dec. 14, is being shown in 480 theaters and “My Wife is a Gangster 3” is expected to be released in some 500 theaters. On addition, Hollywood blockbusters such as “007 Casino Royal” and “Night at the Museum” are waiting to be released in 300-400 theaters, making the competition to secure theaters even fiercer.

In terms of the number of theaters screened, “The Host” ranked first with 620, followed by “The Typhoon” with 540 and “Our Happy Time” with 520. “The War of Flower,” which garnered the most viewers in the second half of the year, was released in 410 theaters, but the number increased to 580 theaters thereafter.

credits : KBS Global

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